(A and B) Image and schematic of mitochondria in PLM in both wild-type (A) and mec-17(ok2109)
(B) 3-day-old adults. Mitochondria (arrowheads) were visualized with the vdEx484[Pmec-4::tomm-20::mRFP] transgene. (B1 and B2) Magnified view of the corresponding regions in the mec-17 mutant animal to highlight faint mitochondria.
(C) Average number of mitochondria in PLM in wild-type and mec-17(ok2109) animals.
(D) Quantification of mitochondria in proximal (closest third to the cell body), central (middle third), and distal (final third) regions of the PLM axon in L4 and 3-day-old adults.
(E) Average number of mitochondria in the PLM posterior neurite in wild-type and mec-17(ok2109) animals.
The scale bars represent 25 μm; the error bars represent SEM; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; n ≥ 26 animals.