(A) Expression of MEC-17 lacking acetyltransferase activity from the Pmec-4::mec-17(D144N) transgene rescues the axonal degeneration phenotype in ky850, QH4387 (3x outcrossed ky850), and mec-17(ok2109) animals, compared to their nontransgenic siblings.
(B) Expression of the Pmec-4::mec-17(D144N) transgene rescues the mitochondrial distribution defect found in 3-day-old adult mec-17(ok2109) animals, restoring their localization to the WT pattern. MEC-12(K40R) (lacking acetylation residue) animals display a normal distribution of mitochondria.
(C) Quantification of axonal degeneration (L4 stage) in animals carrying single and double mutations in MEC-17 and MEC-12/α-tubulin.
(D) Comparison of axonal degeneration (L4 stage) in mec-17 and mec-7 (encoding β-tubulin) single and double mutants.
(E) Rescue of PLM axonal degeneration in mec-12(e1607) animals with WT MEC-12 or with the MEC-12(K40R) mutated version.
The error bars represent SE of proportion (A and C–E) and SE (B); *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; n ≥ 100 animals (A and C–E) and ≥24 animals (B).