Fig. 5.
(A) Mean back-projected surface measured at FCz for the retained component (first time point), and for the non-retained components, sorted as a function of the measured amplitude at FCz during the window of the Ne. Thus, component 1 correspond to the mean surface obtained for the non-retained component showing the most negative surface at FCz. One can see that even the most negative non-retained components present a surface at FCz that is lower than the retained components. (B) Grand-Average of the retained component time-locked to stimulus onset (upper panel) and distribution of PMT (lower panel). The retained components present two main activities: an early one, peaking around 100 ms, and a later one peaking around 250–300 ms, which largely occurs after EMG onset (see PMT distribution). Although visible time-locked to the stimulus, this negativity likely reflects the EMG-locked Ne.