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. 2013 Nov 26;3(1):8–13. doi: 10.1016/j.lrr.2013.11.001

Table 2.

Immunophenotype of neoplastic mast cells (MC) in BM sections.

Expression detected in
The patient's BM MC MC in patients with
Antigen/marker CD ISMa ASMa
LFA-2 CD2 +/−
IL-2RA CD25 −/+ + +
Ki-1 CD30 −/+ −/+ +
KIT CD117 + + +
CAE n.c. + +/− +/−
MPO n.c.
Chymase n.c. +/−
Tryptase n.c. + + +
Ki-67 n.c. +/−b

Data were obtained by indirect immunohistochemistry using antibodies directed against various leukocyte (differentiation) antigens.

MC, mast cells; BM, bone marrow; ISM, indolent SM; ASM, aggressive SM; IL-2RA, interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain; HPCA-1, human progenitor cell antigen-1; CAE, chloroacetate esterase; MPO, myeloperoxidase; n.c., not yet clustered.


Data refer to the published literature and own unpublished observations.


As assessed by KIT/Ki-67 double-staining experiments, about 20% of all mast cells were found to stain positive for Ki-67 in this patient.