High-Q hybrid laser characterization results. (A) Light vs. pump current (L–I) curves as a function of the operating temperature, taken from a representative laser. (B) L–I and current vs. forward voltage (I–V) curves for a high-Q hybrid laser measured at room temperature , taken from the laser with the highest one-sided output power. (C) Optical spectrum analyzer (OSA)-limited optical spectrum of a high-Q hybrid laser at a pump current of
at , demonstrating side-mode suppression of . The gray-shaded area denotes the bandgap. (D) OSA-limited optical spectra of high-Q hybrid lasers of varying grating periods taken at
and , demonstrating continuous-wave, single-mode lasing from 1,530 to 1,575 nm (C-band), with side-mode suppression ratios over . (Inset) Relative position of the four spectra with respect to the spontaneous emission spectrum below threshold.