Figure 1. Summary of Nasonia eve mRNA expression.
Embryos are shown with anterior left and dorsal up. Nv eve is initially expressed in a broad domain (A and B), which sharpens as a posterior stripe becomes visible at around 4 hr after embryo laying (AEL) (C and D). The broad domain retracts anteriorly and gives rise to three apparently double-segment stripes (E and F). Between stripes 3 and posterior stripe 6, an additional double stripe precursor comes up at around 6 hr AEL (stripe 4/5; panels F and G) and this splits to form two double-segment stripes, ‘4’ and ‘5’ as double-segment stripes 1–3 split into two single-segment stripes each between 6 and 8 hr AEL (F–J). Stripes 4 and 5 also split to form single-segment stripes during early gastrulation, and stripe 6 broadens (K and L), giving rise to stripes that are visibly distinct during germ band extension in non-fluorescent staining by 10–12 hr AEL (M–R, arrowheads). There are a total of 16 single-segment stripes of Nv eve.