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. 2013 Nov;9(4):340–352. doi: 10.2174/1573403X10666140214122633

Table 1.

Candidate makers of cardioembolic stroke.

Name Type of Biomarker Protein Accession # Sample size Protein Levels Regarding Etiology Main Function Ref
Albumin Protein P02768 200 CE < other etiologies Regulates colloidal osmotic pressure of blood. [52]
ANP Protein P01160 262 CE > other etiologies Cardiovascular homeostatic hormone. [32]
BNP Protein fragment - 1300 CE > other etiologies ProBNP cleavage product. Cardiac hormone that regulates cardiovascular homeostasis. [24, 29, 31, 39]
CK-MB Protein P12277-P06732** 262 CE > other etiologies Mediates energy transduction in tissues. Increased in heart damage diseases. [32, 39]
CRP* Protein P02741 985 CE > other etiologies; LAA > other etiologies; no difference among subtypes Displays several functions associated with host defense. Risk marker of AF. [49-54, 59]
D-dimer Protein fragment - 1430 CE > other etiologies Fibrin degradation product. [22-26, 52, 59, 60]
FDP Group of proteins - 69 CE > non-CE Involved in coagulation/fibrinolysis processes. [26]
Fibrinogen* Protein P02671 269 CE < LAA; no difference among subtypes Yields monomers that polymerize into fibrin and is a cofactor in platelet aggregation. [25, 26]
FMC Protein aggregate - 69 CE > non-CE Involved in coagulation/fibrinolysis processes. [26]
IL-1β Protein P01584 227 CE > other etiologies Pro-inflammatory cytokine. [33, 40]
IL-6 Protein P05231 227 CE > other etiologies Pro-inflammatory cytokine. [33, 40]
NT-proBNP Protein fragment - 92 CE > non-CE Pro-BNP cleavage product. High levels may help to select stroke patients with AF. [27]
Pro-BNP Protein P16860 262 CE > other etiologies BNP precursor. ProBNP might be useful to reclassify undetermined stroke as of CE origin. [32]
S100B Protein P04271 33 CE > other etiologies Involved in metal-ion binding and in the regulation of protein phosphorylation in brain tissue. [61]
sCD40L* Protein P29965 132 No difference among etiologies Inflammatory marker. Elevated in AF patients. [62, 63]
SF Protein complex - 69 CE > other etiologies Involved in coagulation/fibrinolysis processes. [26]
sRAGE Protein Q9UQ07 1189 CE > other etiologies Growth factor for several cell types. [24,55]
TNF-α Protein P01375 227 CE > other etiologies Pro-inflammatory cytokine. [33,40]
vWF Protein P04275 1551 CE and LAA > other etiologies Promotes platelet adhesion to the sub-endothelial matrix. Higher in patients with AF. [33-38]

ANP: atrial natriuretic peptide; AF: atrial fibrillation; BNP: b-type natriuretic peptide; CE: cardioembolic; CK-MB: creatine kinase MB; CRP: C-reactive protein; FDP: fibrin/ fibrinogen degradation products, FMC: fibrin monomer complex; IL-1β: interleukin 1-beta; IL-6: interleukin 6; LAA: large artery atherosclerosis; ; NT-proBNP: N-terminal part of pro-BNP; Pro-BNP: proform of BNP; SF: soluble fibrin; sRAGE: soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products; SVD: small vessel disease; TNF-α: tumour necrosis factor alpha;


Candidate marker with controversial results among studies.


UniProt codes from CK-MM and CK-BB.