Figure 1.
MSP of miR-34b/c, miR-34a and DAPK1 in controls. (A) U- and M-MSP of miR-34b/c, miR-34a and DAPK1 showed that the positive control (PC) was completely methylated while all normal controls were completely unmethylated. MW: Marker; B: Reagent blank; N1 to N5: Peripheral blood buffy coat of healthy donors; N6 to N8: CD19 sorted B cells of the peripheral blood from healthy donors; N9 to N11: Bone marrow control of healthy donors; PC: Positive control with methylated DNA. (B) Sensitivity of methylated-MSP of miR-34a. To define the sensitivity of miR-34a M-MSP, 1 μg of methylated control DNA was 10-fold serially diluted in buffer, bisulfite-treated and amplified with miR-34a M-MSP primers. MW: marker; B: reagent blank: Serial dilution of methylated positive control from 1 to 10-5.