Table 1.
Study Design
Design Elements | |
Data Collection | Email with direct link to a survey about clinical scenarios in the past 2 years. The survey was hosted on a secure survey platform. If participants answered YES to the prompts listed below they were asked to write a description of the situation and title the story. Story 1: Have you been in a situation where you believe patients may have been at risk due to failure of one or more team members to listen to or respond to another team member’s concern? Story 2: Have you experienced unresolved concerns about problems with another caregiver’s performance in the intrapartum care setting? |
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Data Analysis | Frequencies were used to characterize categorical responses to the two questions listed above. Textual data were grouped by association membership; Atlas.ti software was used to organize and assist in data analysis. Thematic analysis of the free-text responses following the methods of Braun & Clarke (2006):
Data Exemplars | Multiple candidate exemplar stories judged to be representative of the dataset were proposed for illustrating each theme. Iterative consensus was used to select the final representative quotations. |