A, Testicular volume (TV) measurements of 29 men who demonstrated testicular growth without the use of GnRH or gonadotropins: at the time of presentation for reproductive endocrine evaluation, at the time at which reversal of IHH was first noted, and highest TV recorded after reversal. Bars, means. The dashed line represents the pubertal threshold for testicular volume (4 mL). B, Serum testosterone of 27 men who achieved serum testosterone levels of ≥250 ng/dL (dashed line) off therapy. Testosterone measurements are shown at the time of presentation for reproductive endocrine evaluation, time at which reversal of IHH was first noted, and highest testosterone recorded after reversal. Bars, means. C, Neuroendocrine profiles of three men before and after reversal of IHH. Arrowheads signify LH pulses and the shaded region represents the normal range of LH for healthy men (26).