Figure 9.
Reformatted thin-plane MIPs for patient B. Reconstructions using no motion compensation (first row), rigid-body translational motion compensation (second row), and autofocus motion compensation (third row) were reformatted to show the RCA (left columns), LAD and proximal RCA (right-center column), and LCx (right column). Nonrigid autofocus motion correction yields the best depiction of the coronary arteries. Significant improvements in vessel sharpness can be seen in distal segments of the RCA (arrows), LAD, and LCx (inset images). Stenoses in the RCA (arrowheads, magnified in left-center column) and LAD (arrowheads, right-center column) are well-depicted after autofocus motion correction and well-correlated with x-ray angiograms (bottom row).