The 5′SS:p54/56 crosslink corresponds to p54nrb. (A) The 5′SS:p54/56 crosslinks were treated with RNase A (lane 2) or RNase A and phosphatase (CIP) (lane 3) and resolved in an 8% SDS gel. (B) The 5′SS crosslinks were immunoprecipitated under denaturing (lanes 1–4) or native (lanes 5 and 6) conditions using the indicated antibodies and resolved in an 11% SDS gel. (C) The 5′SS:p54nrb and 5′SS:hPrp28 crosslinks were purified from an SDS gel, mixed (lane 1), immunoprecipitated with pre-immune serum (lane 2) or the indicated antibodies (lanes 3 and 4) and resolved in an 8% SDS gel. (D) Diagram of the human PSF and p54nrb sequences. The two RRMs, the proline/glutamine-rich regions (PQ), the 293-aa internal region of high similarity between p54nrb and PSF, the sequences of three Lys-C peptides and the mapped region of the 5′SS crosslink within p54nrb (aa 18–53) are indicated.