Table 2. Effect of NAA dosage and soaking duration on some enzyme activity in whip grass cuttings in 2012.
NAA dosage (mg/l) | ||||||
Characteristics | Soaking duration (min) | 0 | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 |
IAAO (mg IAAg−1FW.h−1) | 0 | 16.02±0.01f | 16.02±0.01f | 16.02±0.01f | 16.02±0.01f | 16.02±0.01f |
10 | 16.07±0.01f | 15.87±0.07g | 15.50±0.04j | 15.75±0.07gh | 16.26±0.03d | |
20 | 16.12±0.01ef | 15.78±0.06g | 15.40±0.02k | 15.85±0.09g | 16.38±0.08c | |
30 | 16.23±0.03de | 15.58±0.06ij | 15.64±0.08hi | 16.52±0.07b | 16.74±0.04a | |
POD (μmol.min-1.g-1FW) | 0 | 2410.69±1.63h | 2410.69±1.63h | 2410.69±1.63h | 2410.69±1.63h | 2410.69±1.63h |
10 | 2395.83±5.52h | 2443.75±21.94g | 3237.50±6.88b | 2710.42±7.29e | 2141.67±6.14j | |
20 | 2233.33±6.04i | 2627.08±9.10f | 3668.75±14.79a | 2636.81±3.02f | 2134.03±14.08j | |
30 | 2152.08±11.58j | 3172.92±9.07c | 2745.83±12.33d | 2010.42±14.08k | 1960.42±17.07l | |
PPO (U.min-1.g-1FW) | 0 | 59.17±0.27g | 59.17±0.27g | 59.17±0.27g | 59.17±0.27g | 59.17±0.27g |
10 | 57.94±0.09h | 60.44±0.38ef | 68.0±0.24b | 61.39±0.89de | 55.06±0.27i | |
20 | 56.89±0.21h | 60.89±0.12ef | 69.61±0.17a | 60.28±0.32fg | 54.56±0.37i | |
30 | 55.44±0.39i | 62.83±0.42c | 62.0±0.65cd | 51.33±0.09j | 51.33±0.49j |
Data were recorded at 10 DAP. Value represented a mean of three replicates with SD of each treatment, which consisted of 10 cuttings. 0 min soaking duration of different NAA dosages (0 mg/l, 100 mg/l, 200 mg/l, 300 mg/l and 400 mg/l) was without treatment and considered as control. Within the same characteristics, means followed by the same letters are not significantly different at P<0.05 according to LSD tests.