Figure 1.
Effects of FEF inactivation on visually guided saccades. A, Landing points of saccades in the toward and away conditions before (green) and after FEF inactivation (blue) for a sample experiment. Note that the saccade target is an oriented bar in the toward condition and a circular target in the away conditions. Small bar plots show the mean ± SE of saccade scatter for each condition. B, C, Distributions of saccade latencies and durations before and after inactivation for the sample experiment in A. The arrows indicate the median of each distribution. D–F, Mean and SEM of changes in latency, duration and scatter of saccades after FEF inactivation in toward and away conditions across 19 experimental sessions.*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; n.s. = p > 0.05.