Effects of FEF inactivation on presaccadic enhancement in V4. A, Recordings were made from 33 V4 neurons with RFs within the part of space affected by the FEF inactivation. Left, evoked saccade vectors of FEF sites before inactivation. Right, distribution of distances between the FEF RF and each V4 RF. B, V4 presaccadic responses for saccades made to RF stimuli (black) or to targets outside of the RF (gray) before inactivation. Arrows indicate eye movements into or away from the V4 RF for the corresponding plot. C, V4 presaccadic responses for saccades made to RF stimuli (dark red) or to targets outside of the RF (bright red) after inactivation. D, Comparison of presaccadic enhancement (AROC) for saccades made into the RF (toward) before and after FEF inactivation. Histogram on the diagonal shows the difference in enhancement. E, Comparison of presaccadic enhancement for saccades made outside the RF (away) before and after FEF inactivation.