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. 2013 Summer;7(3):58–61.

Table 1.

Reported Cases of Mirror Movements Associated with Cervical Neural Tube Defects

Authors, year Number of cases Gender Age
Age of MM
Clinical features Neural tube defect nature
Forget et al., 1986 1 M _ Adulthood
(25 years)
MM, deep sensation
Cervicodorsal meningocele
Odabasi et al., 1998 1 M _ Childhood MM Cervical meningocele, anomaly at the posterior to the cervical spinal cord-medulla junction
Erdincler et al., 2002 1 F 18 Childhood MM, broad-based unsteady gait, pyramidal syndrome Cervical meningocele, spinal cord tethering
Erol et al., 2004 1 F 14 Childhood MM, brisk tendon reflexes, recurrent meningitis Cervical meningocele and dermoid sinus tract
Andrabi et al., 2008 1 M 3 Childhood MM Cervical myelomeningocele
Our case 1 M 11 Childhood
(1 year)
MM, pyramidal syndrome, right trapezium hypotrophy Cervical myelomeningocele

MM: mirror movements; M: male, F: female