Table 1.
Cost-effective interventions: | MDG Goals |
-Promotion of reproductive health and family planning |
4,5 |
-Promotion of appropriate care-seeking and antenatal care in pregnancy |
4,5 |
-Promotion of skilled care for childbirth |
4,5 |
-Exclusive breastfeeding advice and support |
4 |
Preventive interventions: |
-Provision/availability of contraceptives for birth spacing |
1,4,5 |
-Cord care and clean delivery kits |
4,5 |
-Iron, folate or multiple micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy |
4,5 |
-Balanced protein-energy supplements during pregnancy in food-insecure populations |
1,4,5 |
-Calcium supplementation for PIH |
4,5 |
-Low dose aspirin in high risk pregnancies |
4,5 |
-Anti-retrovirals in HIV-infected individuals and PMTCT |
4,5,6 |
-Antibiotics for premature rupture of membranes |
4,5 |
-Antenatal steroids for those at risk of pre-term birth |
4,5 |
-EPI (including new vaccines for HIB, pneumococcal and rotavirus) |
4 |
-Vitamin A supplementation in children |
4 |
-Zinc supplementation in children for prevention of diarrhoea and pneumonia |
4 |
-Insecticide treated bed-nets for family |
4,5,6 |
-Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnant women and children (IPT) |
4,5,6 |
-*Household-level water storage and disinfection* |
4,5,6,7 |
Treatment interventions: |
-Promotion and use of skilled birth attendants at health facilities |
4,5 |
-Interventions for prevention of post-partum haemorrhage and use of oxytocics. |
4,5 |
-Basic newborn resuscitation with bag and mask |
4 |
-Improved diarrhoea management (zinc and ORT) |
4 |
-Community detection and treatment of pneumonia with short course amoxicillin |
4 |
-Improved case management of malaria (including ACTs) |
6 |
-Recognition, triage and treatment of severe malnutrition in affected children in the community setting |
1,4 |
-*Active case identification of TB in households and treatment with DOTs | 6 |
Adapted from Bhutta et al. [6].
*denotes additional new items of relevance to Timor-Leste context.