Figure 4. Participation of PGE2 in the modulation of infection.
(A) PGE2 levels were determined in samples of supernatants from co-cultures of BALB/c mice with or without alive and apoptotic neutrophils determined by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). The assays were performed with samples obtained after 24 hours of culture. Measurements were performed in triplicate from three different experiments. (B) Co-cultures of macrophages infected with neutrophils were incubated with aspirin (10 µg/ml) and their solvent (DMSO) and 7 days after the released parasites were counted in Neubauer chamber. Measurements were performed in triplicates of three different experiments. Statistical significance was determined by ANOVA (A) and t student test (B). When *p≤0.05 compared to infected macrophage and +p≤0.05 compared to the apoptotic PMN.