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. 2014 Feb 28;26(2):275–279. doi: 10.1589/jpts.26.275

Table 4. Correlation between the measured factors and the degree of changes elicited by 12-weeks of exercise training.

Measured Variable Weight BMI WC TG TC HDLC Glucose FFA
Weight 1 0.999** −0.282 0.505 0.447 −0.762* 0.297 0.667*
BMI 0.999** 1 −0.286 0.511 0.428 −0.762* 0.289 0.657*
WC −0.282 −0.286 1 0.066 −0.220 0.311 0.640* −0.064
TG 0.505 0.511 0.066 1 0.501 −0.457 0.601 0.726*
TC 0.447 0.428 −0.220 0.501 1 −0.575 0.274 0.669*
HDLC −0.762* −0.762* 0.311 −0.457 −0.575 1 −0.194 −0.776**
Glucose 0.297 0.289 0.640* 0.601 0.274 −0.194 1 0.550
FFA 0.667* 0.657* −0.064 0.726* 0.669* −0.776** 0.550 1

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed), ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)