Table 2. Peak distribution in different components of the chicken genome.
Sample | Total peak number | promoter | 5′UTR | Exon | Intron | 3′UTR | Intergenic | CGIs | Repeats |
NC | 55978 | 2899 | 952 | 13219 | 22004 | 1752 | 38684 | 6598 | 8158 |
MD | 54594 | 1856 | 622 | 8479 | 12269 | 1097 | 37370 | 6701 | 8061 |
SV | 63100 | 3151 | 964 | 14659 | 24887 | 1916 | 43594 | 6668 | 9400 |
NC, MD, and SV indicated the group of non-challenged, challenged-mild pathology, and challenged-severe pathology, respectively.