MutYH and Mule physically interact. A, GST pulldown of His-HECT with GST-MutYH. The recombinant and purified proteins were incubated with GST beads. The input corresponds to 20% of the used proteins. B, pulldown of GST-MutYH with FLAG-HECT. FLAG AB-coupled beads were incubated with cell extracts containing FLAG-HECT or vector control, washed, and incubated with the recombinant and purified GST-MutYH. The input corresponds to 10% of the used proteins. C, co-immunoprecipitation of HA-MutYH with FLAG-Mule ΔN2474. Whole cell extracts containing the overexpressed proteins or vector control were incubated with FLAG AB coupled to beads. The input corresponds to 20% of the used proteins. D, co-immunoprecipitation of FLAG-Mule ΔN2474 with HA-MutYH. Whole cell extracts containing the overexpressed proteins or vector control were incubated with HA AB coupled to beads. The input corresponds to 10% of the used proteins. PD, pulldown; IP, immunoprecipitation.