Table 3.
Operationalization and summary of the ten implementation variables considered in predicting change in social cognitions
Implementation variables |
Abbreviation |
Continuous variable |
Dichotomous variable* |
Range | Yes | No | ||
Presenter characteristics |
Seminar number using the new CMCL curriculum |
1–4 |
Years the presenter has been part of CMCL staff |
CMCLyears |
0-5 |
Whether the presenter is a HCP themselves |
HCPpresenter |
66 |
26 |
Intervention delivery components |
Number of attendees present |
Attendees |
8–77 |
Duration (minutes) |
Duration |
60–120 |
Parasport athlete present at seminar to share his/her experience with the role his/her HCP played in his/her LTPA success |
Athlete |
85 |
7 |
Parasport equipment available for viewing and use by attendees |
Equipment |
42 |
50 |
Educational resources about LTPA for people with a physical disability distributed to attendees |
Resources |
87 |
5 |
Inclusion of audio-visual component (e.g., photos, videos) not part of standard CMCL curriculum |
AVadded |
14 |
78 |
Partner with community organization | Partner | 21 | 71 |
Note. AV: Audiovisual; CMCL: ‘Changing Minds, Changing Lives’; HCP: Healthcare professional; LTPA: Leisure-time physical activity. Data for the presenter characteristics were extracted from presenter demographic questionnaires completed prior to interventionist training. Data for the intervention delivery components were extracted from the Presenter Checklists that were completed for 14 of the 15 seminars delivered to HCPs during the study period.
*Number of participants exposed to each implementation variable over the 14 seminars for which Presenter Checklists are available. The seminar that is missing a Presenter Checklist had five participants attend; hence, frequencies in the last column add up to 92.