Figure 3. Small molecule screen implicates CaMKII in ethanol-mediated neural crest death.
HH8 embryos were pretreated with the indicated effector of calcium signaling prior to 52 mM ethanol challenge. The number of LTR+ cells in r4 was quantified at HH12/13. Inhibitors selective for intracellular calcium (BAPTA-AM), calmodulin (calmidizolium, cazi), and CaMKII (myrAIP) prevented ethanol-mediated cell death, whereas inhibitors directed against GSK3β, calpain, JNK and Protein Kinase C did not affect cell death. Mean ± SD of 11–22 embryos per treatment group. * p < 0.001 vs. saline-DMSO control, ^ p < 0.001 vs. ethanol-DMSO using one-way ANOVA and Student-Newman-Kuels pairwise multiple comparisons.