PDN/light treatment displays significant anti-tumor activity in vivo. (A) Representative tumors from the four treatment groups at day 0 (top row – prior to any treatment), day 1 (2nd row – after initial treatments), day 25 (3rd row – at the conclusion of light treatment), and day 55 (bottom row – end of study). The left mouse, left flank (L, L) received no treatment; the left mouse, right flank (L-R) received PDN-only. The right mouse, left flank (R, L) received PDN/light and the right mouse, right flank (R, R) received light-only. (B) Plot of relative volumes for bladder cancer xenografts over time following treatment with PDN/light (red), light-only (green), PDN-only (blue), no treatment (black). (C) Histopathological analysis of tumor tissue. Polarization detection as part of histological analysis for PDN in tissues excised from animals at the conclusion of the study receiving the following treatments: (top-left) – PDN/light; (top-right) – light-only; (bottom-left) – PDN-only; (bottom-right) – no treatment.