Figure 1.
A) Schematic illustration of the preparation of PLGA nanoparticle with various surface modifications. B) Particle sizes and zeta potentials of the PLGA nanoparticles with various modifications (n = 3). C) The percentage of PEG remaining on the surface of various nanoparticles after up to 24 h of incubation in a pH 6.8 buffer (n = 3). (Abbreviations: NP, PLGA-nanoparticles; M-NP, NP surface-modified with mannose (i.e., M-C18); AI-M-NP, NP surface-modified with mannose and acid-insensitive PEG(2000) (i.e., PAC); AS-NP, NP surface-modified acid-sensitive PEG(2000) (i.e., PHC); AS-M-NP, NP surface-modified with mannose and acid-sensitive PEG(2000).