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. 2014 Mar 7;9(3):e91008. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091008

Table 1. Summary of the activation clusters in the whole-brain contrasts.

Local Maxima Cluster Peak cluster-level
Area MNI Coordinates size T p(FWE-cor)
Big Reward >Small Reward
Posterior Cingulate Cortex 18 −40 34 3574 5.54 0.000
Thalamus 0 −18 18 4.31
Inferior Parietal Cortex −38 −28 30 598 4.33 0.001
Left Striatum −10 14 2 290 3.78 0.026
Precuneus 6 −52 62 4.54
Superior Frontal Gyrus 24 42 16 786 4.19 0.000
Right Striatum 22 28 2 4.12
Anterior Cingulate Cortex 20 20 34 4.04
High Effort>Low Effort (*)
Left Striatum −8 6 2 6574 6.43 0.000
Brainstem −2 −28 −20 5.94
Right Striatum 10 10 −2 5.86
Right primary motor cortex 40 −2 40 5.77
Anterior Cingulate Cortex 8 12 46 5.35
Superior Frontal Gyrus 20 8 62 5.29
Right Precuneus 18 −68 38 1631 5.81 0.000
Inferior Parietal lobule 32 −50 46 5.09
Left Precuneus −8 −72 38 543 5.57 0.000
Premotor cortex −24 6 60 478 5.28 0.000
Left primary motor cortex −38 6 36 358 5.19 0.000
Short Delay>Long Delay
Orbitofrontal Cortex −22 44 −8 243 4.75 0.047
Effort-selective contrast (SVC)
Brainstem −4 −32 −10 129 4.00 0.010

(*) voxel-level threshold p = 0.0001 uncorrected.

Legend: p(FWE)-cor = cluster-level family-wise error corrected p-values. SVC = small volume corrected. For regions including multiple local maxima, the highest local maximum is reported.