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. 2014 Mar 7;9(3):e91153. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091153

Table 3. Pearson correlation between the scores of different motor, psychiatric, fatigue and quality of life (PDQ-39) scales and nutritional status (MNA) in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients.

Scale Domains Correlation Index MNA (Total)
PDQ39 Mobility Spearman R −.590**
P-value <.001
Activities of daily living (ADL) Spearman R −.450**
P-value <.001
Emotional well-being Spearman R −.461**
P-value <.001
Stigma Spearman R −.027
P-value .744
Social support Spearman R −.246**
P-value .005
Cognitive impairment (Cognition) Spearman R −.320**
P-value <.001
Communication Spearman R −.414**
P-value <.001
Bodily discomfort Spearman R −.451**
P-value <.001
Disease Severity UPDRS Part I-mental Spearman R −.503**
P-value <.001
UPDRS Part II-ADL Spearman R −.518**
P-value <.001
UPDRS Part III-motor Spearman R −.473**
P-value <.001
UPDRS Part IV-complications Spearman R −.336**
P-value <.001
UPDRS Total Spearman R −.613**
P-value <.001
Hoehn & Yahr stage Spearman R −.414**
P-value <.001
Schwab & England stage Spearman R .492**
P-value <.001
HADS Anxiety Spearman R −.369**
P-value <.001
Depression Spearman R −.577**
P-value <.001
FSS Fatigue Spearman R −.413**
P-value <.001

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).