Figure 4.
Binding to ESCRTs can mediate ubiquitin-independent MVB sorting of both soluble and transmembrane cargo. (A)(B)(D) Fluorescence microscopy of yeast cells (outlined with dashed lines) expressing either GFP-FYVE or GFP-Dap2 fusion proteins. The fluorescence images were inverted. In A cells were stained with the vacuolar marker CMAC. Bar graph representing the localization behavior or GFP-FYVE fusion proteins interacting with the early ESCRT machinery (based on rules defined in Figure 2B, 50 cells each were analyzed). (C)(E) Western blot analysis of vps4Δpep4Δprb1Δ cells expressing different GFP-FYVE fusion constructs (anti-GFP). The ESCRT protein Snf7 served as a loading control.