Figure 10. Rax heterozygotes show a ventralization of Rarres2 expression.
(A–H) Confocal z-stack reconstruction of Rarres2 fISH (magenta) and vimentin (Vim) immunohistochemistry (green) counterstained with DAPI (blue) in adult mice (P45). Rarres2 mRNA is more abundant in the α2 ventral tanycytic zone (immediately ventral to the deflection point) of Rax+/− mice (E) compared to Rax+/+ controls (A). (I) Digital quantification of Rarres2 fISH signal in the ventral α2 tanycytic zone at three different Bregma points using a three-dimensional reconstruction of Rarres2 fISH signal with the spot tool of the Imaris software. Cumulative indicates the sum of Rarres2 signal along the three different Bregma points (from 1.655 mm to −1.855 mm). Unpaired t-test (n=3), Bregma −1.655 mm p=0.05, Cumulative p=0.04. 3V: third ventricle. Scale bar: 20μm.