Figure 3. Rax and Gpr50 are expressed in tanycytes.
Confocal z-stack reconstruction of double fISH for Rax (green), Gpr50 (magenta) mRNA and vimentin (Vim) immunohistochemistry (white) counterstained with DAPI (blue) in brain sections of adult C57BL/6 wild type mice (P45). Rax and Gpr50 are expressed by α1 (F–J), α2 (K–O), β1(P–T) and β2 (U–Y) tanycytes (Vim+ cells with process, white arrow heads) and they are absent from ependymal cells (A–E) (Vim+ cells without process, yellow arrow heads). Rax and Gpr50 are also expressed in the median eminence (U–W). 3V: third ventricle. Median eminence: ME. Scale bar: 20μm.