Figure 8. Rax heterozygotes show a two-fold reduction in tanycyte and ependymal markers.
qRT-PCR quantification of relative mRNA obtained from hypothalami dissected from adult mice (P45). Two fold reduction of relative Rax mRNA in heterozygous mice (Rax+/−) p=0.05. Relative mRNA of other genes expressed by terminally differentiated tanycytes is also reduced (Gpr50 p= 0.01, Hes1 p=0.01, Hes5 p=0.04.). Ependymal genes Foxj1 (p=0.03) and Rarres2 (p=0.03) are significantly reduced in Rax+/−. There is no significant reduction of Gfap and vimentin relative mRNA. Unpaired t-test Rax+/+ (n=5), Rax+/− (n=6).