A, C, Schematic of the pWAP-HA-14-3-3ζ and pMMTV-HA-14-3-3ζ constructs. Arrows – genotyping primers locations. B, D, HA-14-3-3ζ protein IHC in lactating WAP-HA-14-3-3ζ and MMTV-HA-14-3-3ζ transgenic mice mammary glands (X400). E, H&E of lesions in multiparous wildtype and WAP-HA-14-3-3ζ mice (X400, both at 24 months of age) and MMTV-HA-14-3-3ζ tumor histology (X200, at 711 days old). F, MMTV-HA-14-3-3ζ mice (n=24) mammary tumor onset latency is shorter than wild-type mice (n=20). G, WAP-HA-14-3-3ζ mice (n=8) mammary tumor onset latency is shorter than wild-type (n=14) littermates following DMBA treatment.