Figure 1. Localization and homing receptor expression by Tregs in the draining LN of syngeneically grafted recipients (Balb/c→Balb/c) and fully disparate allograft (C57Bl/6→Balb/c) acceptors and rejectors.
The draining LN were harvested 3 weeks after corneal transplantation. In this model of corneal transplantation, ~50% of allografts are rejected within 3 weeks of transplantation while the remaining half enjoys indefinite survival. (A) Confocal micrographs of LN show that only the acceptor-Tregs (Foxp3, blue) are focally distributed in the paracortical area of the LN (circled with white dotted line [10x]) and colocalize with APC (CD11c, red) (marked with white arrows [60x]). (B) Levels of CCR7, CD62L and CD103 expressions by CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs were analyzed by measuring mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) using flow cytometry, showing that acceptor-Tregs express very high levels of CCR7 compared to those expressed by rejector- and syngeneic-Tregs. Each transplant group consists of 6 mice, and data from a representative experiment of two performed is shown.