Figure 5.
IL-6 immunoreactivity in the retina and RPE. (A–C) Representative retinal micrographs of IL-6 immunoreactivity on day 4. In the Aβ group, IL-6 immunoreactivity was mostly detected in cellular profiles in the GCL and INL (arrows). In contrast, the reverse peptide group shows very sparse IL-6 immunoreactivity, while the vehicle injection group identifies background level of IL-6 immunoreactivity. (D, E) The Aβ group also demonstrates more intense IL-6 immunoreactivity in the RPE than the reverse peptide group. (F) Bar graph of mean cell count of IL-6-immunoreactive cells at four time points, showing significantly greater IL-6 immunoreactivity in the Aβ group on days 4 and 14 than in the reverse peptide or vehicle control group. Micrographs were examined at ×20 and ×60 magnification. Scale bar: 20 μm (A–C), 10 μm (D, E). Error bars denote standard deviation. *P < 0.01.