Figure 5. Flotillin depletion increases diffusion mobility rates of CFP-HA-DAT.
HEK/CFP-HA-DAT cells were transfected with NT siRNA, siRNAs to flotillin-1 alone or together with flotillin-2 siRNA as in Figure 2. Average depletion of flotillin-1 was 72.8% and 85,2% in single and double siRNA transfected cells. FRAP experiments were performed as described in “Methods”.
(A) Examples of images of the CFP fluorescence with focusing on cell edges and on areas of diffuse fluorescence acquired before (-1 s), immediately after (0 s) and 5 sec after photobleaching of the indicated areas.
(B) Bar graphs represent mean values of τ and Mf from multiple cells in 3 experiments. S.E. (statistical error); n=16–20. *P<0.05; **P<0.005.