Figure 11.
(A) FT of Mn K-edge EXAFS spectra from isotropic solution and oriented PS II membrane samples in the S1 state obtained with a high-resolution spectrometer (range-extended EXAFS). Angles indicate orientation of the membrane normal with respect to the X-ray e-field vector. (B) Polar plot of the X-ray absorption linear dichroism of PS II samples in the S1 state. The Napp values (solid circles) for oriented membranes are plotted at their respective detection angles (θ). The best fits of Napp vs θ are shown for the various Mn–Mn vectors as solid lines. (C) Orientation of the average Mn–Ca (~3.4 Å) and Mn–Mn (~3.2 Å) vectors relative to the membrane normal. The figure was adapted from Pushkar et al.13