Figure 3. Post-ovariectomy body weight gain and the attenuation by E2.
A. Bi-daily (QOD) cumulative body weight gain in oil-treated, ovariectomized WT (black circles), KIKO (dark gray triangles) and ERKO (light gray squares). Each ovariectomized group had 8 females. Data was analyzed by a two-way ANOVA (genotype: p<0.01, df=2, F=9.84) with Bonferroni-Dunn multiple comparison tests (a = p<0.05; b = p<0.01; c = p<0.001; d = p<0.0001, compared to WT). B–D. Cumulative body weight gain in oil-treated, ovariectomized (black circles); E2-treated, ovariectomized (gray squares); and intact (dark gray triangles) females (B=WT, C=KIKO; D=ERKO). Ovariectomized groups had 8 females and the intact groups had 7 females each. Data was analyzed by a two-way ANOVA (WT: p<0.001, df=1, F=20.68; KIKO & ERKO: not significant (ns)) with Bonferroni-Dunn multiple comparison tests (a = p<0.05; b = p<0.01; c = p<0.001; d = p<0.0001, oil vs. E2 comparisons only).