Fig. 2.
Behavioral tests of mice using one-trial object recognition task and Morris water maze. One-trial object recognition task was carried out in an open field arena. Time spent exploring two identical objects during the sample phase are shown as percentage of object exploring time (A). Object discrimination during the test phase is presented by a discrimination index (time exploring the novel object / total time for exploring) (B). Spatial reference learning and memory were tested in Morris water maze (C-F). Distance traveled to the hidden platform in the water maze during training (C), number of platform site crossings (D) and percentage of time spent at the platform site (E) during the probe trial, and the average swim speed during the water maze task (F) are shown. *p < 0.05 vs. WT-saline. #p < 0.05 3xTg-STZ vs. 3xTg-saline.