(a, b, d–f) Analyses of stem cell repopulation in primary recipients and transplant engraftment in secondary recipients comparing 200 freshly isolated aged GFP/Luciferase MuSCs and the progeny of 200 aged MuSCs after culture on hydrogel ± SB202190 (SB; 10 µM). (a) Serial transplant scheme. (b) Frequency of donor-derived (GFP+) cells in the CD34+α7-integrin+ MuSC population in primary recipient muscles (n = 8–10 per condition). Box-and-whisker plot with median line. (c) Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of representative transverse section from notexin-injured muscles transplanted with the progeny of 100 aged Myf5nLacZ/+ MuSCs after culture on hydrogel with 10 µM SB. Arrowhead indicates Myf5–β-gal+ cell in satellite position. Scale bar, 50 µm. (d–f) Engraftment analysis of secondary transplant recipients (n = 4). (d) BLI signals for up to 2 months after transplant (mean ± s.e.m.). Dashed line represents engraftment detection threshold. p, photons. (e) Representative BLI images at 4 weeks. Engraftment ratios are noted. (f) GFP immunohistochemistry (IHC) of transverse section from representative secondary recipient of SB/hydrogel aged MuSC progeny primary transplant. Scale bar, 75 µm. P < 0.05 (*) or P < 0.001 (***) by unpaired t test in (b) or Fisher’s exact test in (e).