Table 2. Research topics that achieved the 15 highest priority scores.
Rank | Topic | Score |
1 | Identify the main barriers to uptake and use of modern contraceptives in settings with very low prevalences of contraceptive use | 86.23 |
2 | Identify mechanisms to integrate postpartum FP services with other interventions – such as child vaccination and control of HIV infection – to improve health care and uptake of FP services | 83.90 |
3 | Determine strategies to increase post-abortion contraception uptake and continuation | 83.80 |
4 | Identify effective strategies to overcome the barriers to contraceptive uptake in the postpartum period | 82.68 |
5 | Develop mechanisms to improve the physical, financial and social access of marginalized populationsa to FP products and services | 81.13 |
6 | Investigate the determinants of the discontinuation and switching of contraceptive methods | 80.81 |
7 | Evaluate the unmet need for FP, particularly that among marginalized populationsa | 79.89 |
8 | Investigate the determinants of acceptability and continuation of use of FP methods in marginalized populationsa | 78.48 |
9 | Identify strategies to ensure that integrated services for maternal health and FP are effectively adopted by governments | 77.63 |
10 | Identify mechanisms to prevent out-of-stock events in contraceptive supply systems | 77.03 |
11 | Assess the effectiveness of task-shifting in increasing the access to – and quality of – FP services | 76.66 |
12 | Identify and assess appropriate strategies to prevent unplanned pregnancies among adolescents | 75.66 |
13 | Evaluate effect of engaging private sector to increase the equity in access to – and utilization of – FP products and services, by modalities such as franchising and social marketing | 73.59 |
14 | Ascertain the social and sexual determinants of unwanted or mistimed pregnancies and approaches to prevent such pregnancies | 72.90 |
15 | Assess the impact of financing schemes on the quality and coverage of FP servicesb | 72.37 |
FP, family planning; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
a Examples of “marginalized populations” include adolescents and HIV-positive women.
b “Financing schemes” may involve any combination of vouchers, performance-related payments and conditional cash transfers.