Involvement of CGRP in nerve-evoked dilation of submucosal venules. TNS (100 μs duration, 20 Hz, 5 s) induced a phasic venular constriction (A). In the same preparation treated with phentolamine (1 μM),---TNS failed to cause contraction---, but induced a dilation (B). In the presence of phentolamine and CGRP8-37 (2 μM), a CGRP receptor antagonist, TNS-induced dilation was greatly attenuated in the same venule (C). These results were summarized in (D). TNS-evoked dilation in the presence of phentolamine (Phent.) was significantly attenuated by CGRP8-37 (n = 5, *P < 0.05). Resting diameters were 66 μm (A), 64 μm (B) and 63 μm (C). The scale bars in C apply to all traces.