Mutations in PilESB(Z2491 D-region) and PilESB(Z5463 D-region) restore ezrin recruitment. (A and B) Sequence alignment of D-regions from pilin variants SB, Z2491 and Z2491ANGKQ→KTDDK, Z5463, and Z5463ND→TTA. Mutated residues are circled in red. (C to F) HDMECs (C and E) and FaDu cells (D and F) were infected with strains of N. meningitidis expressing PilESB(Z2491 D-region) and PilESB(Z2491 D-region)ANGKQ→KTDDK, PilESB(Z5463 D-region) and PilESB(Z5463 D-region)ND→TTA. HDMECs were infected with the PilV− PilT− derivatives of these strains. (C and D) The ezrin recruitment index was estimated by determining the proportion of colonies that efficiently recruit ezrin at the site of adhesion and expressed as normalized mean values (±SEM) of three independent experiments in duplicate. *, P < 0.002 (Student’s t test). (E and F) Ezrin was immunostained (in green), and DNA was stained using DAPI (in blue). Microcolonies are shown by arrows. Scale bars, 10 µm.