Fig. 5.
Quantification of D54MG and 86HG39 cells with altered ROCK1 expression and effects of the addition of the ROCK inhibitor Y27632 on preferences toward different substrates in the stripe assay. a Immunohistological staining revealing the structure of two alternate stripes, biomatrix (BM, red) vs. myelin (M, green), without cells. b D54MG cells (nuclei stained in blue) displaying a 70:30 distribution on BM (red) vs. M (no staining). c ROCK1 knockdown D54MG cells switched the substrate preference to a 55:45 distribution. d Additional administration of Y27632 led to a 35:65 distribution. Changes in cell distribution for ROCK1 knockdown D54MG cells plus ROCK inhibitor growing on BM vs. myelin (e), BM vs. unmyelinated retina (g), and myelin vs. unmyelinated retina (i). The same setting was used with ROCK1 knockdown 86HG39 glioma cells with ROCK inhibitor growing on BM vs. myelin (f), BM vs. unmyelinated retina (h), and myelin vs. unmyelinated retina (j) (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.001, n = 3, mean ± SEM)