Increased number of CD24-positive cells in acute tubular necrosis. (A) Comparison of microscopic scans of whole biopsies of normal human kidneys (NHK) with biopsies of acute tubular necrosis (ATN) showed that the number of CD24-positive tubular structures was increased in most (1 – 4) of the ATN biopsies. The low CD24 expression in 5 – 6 correlated with the relative mild necrosis visible in the PAS staining of these biopsies and the relatively low serum creatinine levels. The increased number of CD24-positive cells in ATN (C) compared with NHK (B) correlated with a high number of proliferating cells in the ATN biopsies (D, Ki-67-positive cell). (D) Triple staining of CD24, LTA, and Ki-67 showed that Ki-67 was expressed predominantly in CD24-positive proximal tubular cells (arrows). (E) Quantitative Ki-67, CD24, and LTA triple staining. The bars show the relative percentage of Ki-67-positive cells that are either CD24-positive (black bar) or CD24-negative (grey bar). The vast majority (~70 – 100%) of proliferating cells in both NHK and ATN biopsies were CD24-positive. Data labels: number of Ki-67 cells analysed in each biopsy.