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. 2014 Mar 5;28(4):297–304.

Table VI.

Results of logistic regression analyzing physical experiences of pain (as described by patients) and other clinical and demographic predictors.

OR 95%CI for Exp (B)
B Std Error Wald df Sig. Exp (B) Lower bound Upper bound
Dull pain UPDRS −0.087 0.044 3.937 1 0.047* 0.917 0.842 0.999
Constant 0.102 1.051 0.009 1 0.922 1.108 -- --
Dis. dur. −0.499 0.236 4.486 1 0.034* 0.607 0.382 0.963
Age diag. −0.032 0.032 0.994 1 0.319 0.969 0.911 1.031
H&Y 1.122 0.659 2.901 1 0.089 3.071 0.844 11.168
UPDRS −0.078 0.054 2.097 1 0.148 0.925 0.832 1.028
Gender 0.457 0.763 0.358 1 0.550 1.579 0.354 7.046
Constant −0.182 2.112 0.007 1 0.931 0.833 -- --
Dystonic −0.793 0.888 0.797 1 0.372 0.452 0.079 2.581
Pares./neuro. 0.039 0.761 0.003 1 0.959 1.040 0.234 4.616
Akathisia 0.012 0.761 0.000 1 0.988 1.012 0.228 4.496
Musculosk. −0.259 1.135 0.052 1 0.819 0.772 0.083 7.138
Constant −1.491 1.653 0.814 1 0.367 0.225 -- --
Sharp pain Dystonic −0.645 0.690 0.872 1 0.350 0.525 0.136 2.031
Pares./neuro. 1.716 0.846 4.113 1 0.043* 5.561 1.059 29.197
Akathisia 0.587 0.698 0.709 1 0.400 1.799 0.458 7.062
Musculosk. 0.399 1.095 0.132 1 0.716 1.490 0.174 12.742
Constant −2.632 0.911 8.346 1 0.004* 0.072 -- --
Dis. dur. −0.326 0.175 3.458 1 0.063 0.722 0.512 1.018
Age diag. −0.037 0.028 1.804 1 0.179 0.963 0.912 1.017
H&Y −0.192 0.572 0.113 1 0.737 0.825 0.269 2.532
UPDRS 0.008 0.041 0.040 1 0.842 1.008 0.930 1.093
Gender −0.356 0.608 0.342 1 0.558 0.700 0.213 2.308
Constant 2.047 1.899 1.162 1 0.281 7.743 -- --
Muscle tension pain Dystonic −1.319 0.576 5.250 1 0.022* 0.267 0.086 0.826
Constant −1.041 0.336 9.620 1 0.002* 0.353 -- --
Dis. dur. −0.116 0.123 0.884 1 0.347 0.891 0.700 1.134
Age diag. −0.026 0.026 0.994 1 0.319 0.974 0.926 1.025
H&Y −0.445 0.546 0.665 1 0.415 0.641 0.220 1.868
UPDRS −0.001 0.039 0.001 1 0.972 0.999 0.926 1.077
Gender 0.248 0.598 0.171 1 0.679 1.281 0.397 4.139
Constant 1.459 1.820 0.642 1 0.423 4.301 -- --
Dystonic −1.402 0.754 3.460 1 0.063 0.246 0.056 1.078
Pares./neuro. −0.933 0.647 2.080 1 0.149 0.393 0.111 1.398
Akathisia 0.091 0.645 0.020 1 0.888 1.095 0.309 3.877
Musculosk. −0.130 1.112 0.014 1 0.907 0.878 0.099 7.762
Constant −0.430 1.443 0.089 1 0.766 0.650 -- --
Aching pain Dystonic −1.302 0.626 4.330 1 0.037* 0.272 0.080 0.927
Pares./neuro. 0.389 0.551 0.497 1 0.481 1.475 0.501 4.343
Akathisia −1.150 0.573 4.024 1 0.045* 0.317 0.103 0.974
Musculosk. −1.478 0.770 3.681 1 0.055 0.228 0.050 1.032
Radicular −0.974 1.034 0.887 1 0.346 0.378 0.050 2.866
Constant 2.843 1.611 3.114 1 0.078 17.17 -- --
Dis. dur. 0.074 0.081 0.818 1 0.366 1.076 0.918 1.262
Age diag. 0.020 0.021 0.961 1 0.327 1.021 0.980 1.063
H&Y 0.190 0.388 0.240 1 0.624 1.209 0.566 2.586
UPDRS −0.035 0.031 1.256 1 0.262 0.966 0.909 1.026
Gender −0.243 0.431 0.319 1 0.572 0.784 0.337 1.825
Constant −1.451 1.452 0.999 1 0.317 0.234 -- --
Sharp pain 1.710 0.794 4.636 1 0.031* 5.529 1.166 2.220
Deep pain Dis. dur. −0.191 0.163 1.370 1 0.242 0.826 0.601 1.137
Age diag. −0.007 0.031 0.050 1 0.823 0.993 0.934 1.056
H&Y 0.252 0.574 0.193 1 0.660 1.287 0.418 3.961
UPDRS 0.013 0.045 0.086 1 0.770 1.013 0.928 1.106
Gender −0.386 0.643 0.361 1 0.548 0.680 0.193 2.398
Constant −1.835 2.086 0.774 1 0.379 0.160 -- --
Dystonic −0.571 0.789 0.524 1 0.469 0.565 0.120 2.652
Pares./neuro. −0.949 0.800 1.408 1 0.235 0.387 0.081 1.857
Akathisia 0.902 0.749 1.449 1 0.229 2.463 0.568 10.689
Musculosk. −0.644 1.058 0.371 1 0.542 0.525 0.066 4.175
Constant −1.589 0.866 3.366 1 0.067 0.204 -- --

Abbreviations: UPDRS=score on UPDRS-III, the motor section of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; Dis. dur.=duration of PD; Age diag.=age at PD diagnosis; H&Y=Hoehn and Yahr stage of PD; Pares./neuro.= paresthesia/neuropathic pain; Musculosk.=musculoskeletal pain; Radicular=radicular pain.


significant values (p=0.05)