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. 2013 Jan 8;1(1):8–14. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2

Table 6.

Sensory evaluation scores of cookies produced from germinated pigeon pea, fermented sorghum, and blanched cocoyam flour blends

Blends (CF:FSF:GPF) Texture Taste Appearance Crispness General acceptability
100:0:0 7.6a 7.8ab 7.6ab 7.5a 7.4ab
0:100:0 6.3cd 6.5bcd 6.6bcd 6.2cde 7.1b
0:0:100 5.9d 5.0e 5.9d 5.3e 5.0d
50:50:0 7.1abc 7.1abc 7.0abcd 6.9abcd 7.1b
0:50:50 5.9d 6.0cde 6.4cd 5.0e 5.0d
50:0:50 5.9d 5.9cde 6.7bcd 5.4e 5.5cd
33.3:33.3:33.3 7.1abc 6.9abcd 6.9abcd 6.8abcd 6.8bc
16.7:16.7:66.6 6.6cd 5.6de 6.8bcd 6.0de 5.8cd
16.7:66.6:16.7 6.7bcd 6.7bcd 6.9abcd 6.5bcd 6.5bcd
66.6:16.7:16.7 7.5ab 7.5ab 7.6ab 7.1abc 7.2b
100% wheat flour 8.0a 8.2a 8.0a 7.7a 8.4a

CF, cocoyam flour; FSF, fermented sorghum flour; GPF, germinated pigeon pea flour.

Means within a column with the same superscript are not significantly different (P > 0.05).