Table 5.
ROOM | Add Health Wave-I | Add Health Wave-I | ||||||||
Sample -> | Non-Hispanic Black, White, and Black-White by Self-report |
Non-Hispanic Black, White, and Black-White by Self-report |
Hispanic by Self-report | |||||||
Proportion of European Ancestry |
Single Race (self-report) |
Multiracial (self-report) |
N | Single Race (self-report) |
Single Race (interviewer) |
Multiracial (self-report) |
N | Single Race (self-report) |
Multiracial (self-report) |
N |
| ||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
0–.02 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.65 (0.64,2.5) |
154 |
0.84 (0.4,3.3) |
0.84 (0.4,3.3) |
0.84 (0.4,3.3) |
239 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
.02–.1 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
65 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
83 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
.1–.2 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
47 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
36 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
.2–.3 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
33 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
25 | 0 | 0 | 7 |
.3–.4 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
12 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
6 |
18.75 (6.3,37.5) |
18.75 (6.3,37.5) |
16 |
.4–.5 |
5.26 (5.26,21.0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
19 |
14.29 (14.3,42.9) |
14.29 (14.3,42.9) |
0.00 (0,0) |
7 |
45.71 (28.6,62.9) |
45.71 (6.25,37.5) |
35 |
.5–.6 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
5 | 25 (12.5,62.5) |
12.5 (12.5,37.5) |
12.5 (12.5,37.5) |
8 |
29.79 (17.0,42.6) |
29.79 (17.0,42.6) |
47 |
.6–.7 |
0.00 (0,0) |
0.00 (0,0) |
2 |
55.56 (22.2,88.9) |
55.56 (22.2,88.9) |
33.33 (11.1,66.7) |
9 |
25 (15.0,35.8) |
25 (15.0,35.8) |
68 |
.7–.8 |
100.00 (100,100) |
100.00 (100,100) |
2 |
100 (100,100) |
100 (100,100) |
100 (100,100) |
10 |
46.55 (29.3,53.4) |
41.38 (34.5,58.6) |
58 |
.8–.9 |
96.97 (90.9,100) |
78.79 (63.6,90.9) |
33 |
100 (100,100) |
97.87 (93.6,100) |
87.23 (76.6,95.7) |
47 |
55 (35,65) |
50 (40,70) |
40 |
.9–1 |
100.0 (100,100) |
97.52 (96.6,98.3) |
1288 |
100 (99.5,100) |
99.69 (99.1,99.8) |
97.65 (96.6,98.3) |
1,277 |
83.13 (60.4,84.9) |
73.58 (69.8,90.6) |
53 |
Total | 1660 | 1,747 | 328 |
Note: The point estimates are boldfaced to highlight general patterns across the proportion of African ancestry.