Frequency domain |
Total power (0-12Hz)
Peak frequency of spectrum
Spectral edge frequency (80%, 90%, 95%)
Power in 2Hz width sub-bands (0-2Hz, 1-3Hz, …10-12Hz)
Normalised power in sub-bands
Wavelet energy (the EEG is decomposed into 8 coefficients using the Daubechy 4 wavelet, the energy in the 5th coefficient corresponding to 1-2Hz is used as a feature)
Time domain |
Curve length
Number of maxima and minima
Root mean squared amplitude
Hjorth parameters
Zero crossings (raw epoch, Δ, ΔΔ)
Autoregressive modelling error (model order 1-9)
Nonlinear energy
Variance (Δ, ΔΔ)
Information theory |