Table S1.
Search terms
Woodwind player | flute OR flutes OR flautist* OR flutist* OR musician OR music student* OR woodwind* OR wind player* OR Instrument player* OR instrumentalist* OR musical instrument* OR wind instrument* OR instrumental music OR stud* music* OR saxophon* OR clarinet* OR oboist* OR oboe* OR bassoon* |
University student | universit* OR colleg* OR tertiary OR conservat* OR student* OR studying OR education OR training |
Musculoskeletal symptoms | muscul* OR overuse* OR injur* OR muscle* OR pain* OR discomfort OR strain* OR sprain* OR disorder* OR condition* OR syndrome* OR disease* OR problem* OR disab* OR symptom* OR weak* OR numb* OR medical* OR health* |
Prevalence/incidence | preval* OR inciden* OR rate* OR frequen* OR common* OR percent* |
Impact | consequen* OR impact* OR experienc* |
Management | manag* OR therap* OR treat* |
indicates a truncation symbol (the symbol may be replaced by any number of characters by the search engine).