Comparative analysis of neural crest stem cell markers. (A): Neural crest marker gel electrophoresis of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction results. Test of canine epidermal neural crest stem cell (cEPI-NCSC) molecular characterization and housekeeping primer sets in different dog tissues. (B): cEPI-NCSC gene expression levels relative to HKGs after ex vivo expansion. Percentage of relative expression by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction of selected molecular signature genes (Msx2, Thop1, Ube4b, Ets1, Crmp1, Cryab, Adam12, Myo10), general neural crest stem cell genes (Snai2, Sox10), and a general stem cell gene (Nes). Data are from five donors with exception of Sox10 (n = 4). Abbreviations: -, water; -RT, minus reverse transcriptase control; B, brain; C, colon; E, embryo; EPI, canine epidermal neural crest stem cells; HKG, housekeeping gene; L, standard, 100–200 base pairs; O, ovary; P placenta; T, testicle; U, uterus.